We Belong to the New World.

Arlex — 340   *new*
Bellington — 3005
Cranwood — 178
Darwin — 1200
Gifford — 700
Granfield — 780
Mapleton — 205
South Haven — 1800
Stonewood Heights — 410
West Plains — 1205

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You may have seen us around town, dressed in white, traveling in same sex pairs, always smoking, never talking. Maybe you wondered why we were following you around, or staring at you so intently. Maybe you received a card emblazoned with our mission statement: WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE GUILTY REMNANT. WE HAVE TAKEN A VOW OF SILENCE. WE STAND BEFORE YOU AS LIVING REMINDERS GOD'S AWESOME POWER. HIS JUDGMENT IS UPON US.

Maybe you thought we were crazy. Fanatics. Troublemakers. But maybe you also noticed our discipline and serenity. Maybe you wondered if we knew something you didn't.

We're the first to admit we're not living normal lives. But these aren't normal times. Ever since the cataclysmic events of October 14th, we've known that the old way of life is over. You know it, too. We're living in the New World, a world that demands a new lifestyle, a new set of values and behaviors. Creating that lifestyle is what the Guilty Remnant is all about.

Come join us. Let's build a New World, together.